
Errol 1997


Originally one of Lady Sybil Ramkin’s Swamp dragons, Errol was given his nickname by Nobby Nobbs. His actual full name of Goodboy Bindle Featherstone of Quirm proving something of a mouthful. Errol is a freak by swamp dragon standard. His wings are about the same size as his abnormally large eyebrows, he has a face like an anteater, a pear-shaped body and gigantic nostrils. The poor little fella can’t flame or fly, and spends most of his time relaxing. Now take this sleepy dragon home and let him reside quietly on your walls .. with only the occasional puff of smoke wafting from the frame…

Numbered and Embossed with Sir Terry’s Pratchett Bee Design. 

Size: Print size - 350mm x 556mm

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Total Whittle


Lady Sybil described Errol as ‘a complete whittle’ but we love him even more for this. He may be a bit dopey, and slightly less of a manly dragon but surely this makes him even more amusing to have on your living room wall!

Numbered and Embossed with Sir Terry’s Pratchett Bee Design. 

Size: Print size - 350mm x 556mm

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Leonard Of Quirm


A great engineer, inventor, tinkerer and painter.  Although his hair is white and he is balding, his age is – as yet – indeterminable to any degree. Leonard currently resides as a prisoner in the Patrician’s Palace where he can work in peace except for when the Patrician needs him. “Prisoner” may be too strong a word, as he is perfectly happy where he is, as long as he gets his drawing supplies and his washing done. One of a number of Nanny Ogg’s former flames.

Numbered and Embossed with Sir Terry’s Pratchett Bee Design. 

Size: Print size - 420mm X 297mm

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The Bursar


The Bursar, real name Dr. A. A. Dinwiddie, is an ‘idiot savant’, who has been sadly unsettled by his work at the Unseen University. When he first appeared in Eric and Moving Pictures he appeared relatively sane, but during the events of Reaper Man he became increasingly unhinged. As a consequence he requires regular doses of dried frog pills to maintain some form of normality.  He has essentially over-done it though and his mind is now in a constant state of pink clouds and his body is completely stiff! However, as he could still apparently function as a bursar – a job no-one else wanted – it was only of minor consequence to his fellow wizards. Wibble…

Numbered and Embossed with Sir Terry’s Pratchett Bee Design. 

Size: Print size - 150mm X 315mm

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Greebo Rising


Once again we bring you a print of Nanny Ogg’s foul-tempered, one-eyed grey tomcat Greebo. Nanny insists against all the evidence that he is a sweet, harmless kitten despite the fact that he has killed two vampires, eating at least one of them!

Numbered and Embossed with Sir Terry’s Pratchett Bee Design.

Size: Print size - 150mm X 300mm

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