
emboss and seal

All of our embossed books come exclusively with a signature plate, embossed directly into the page and are further enhanced with a metallic embossed wafer.

The design may vary, we have a Death and an A’tuin signature plate as well as the Terry shown. The wafers may also differ depending on availability. The honey bee in memory of Terry, is our most popular. You will not find embossed books anywhere else and the designs were overseen and approved by Terry himself.

Wintersmith 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidby

‘Crivens!’ Tiffany Aching put one foot wrong, made just one little mistake . . . And now the spirit of winter is in love with her. He gives her roses and icebergs and showers her with snowflakes, which is tough when you’re thirteen, but also just a little bit . . . cool. And if Tiffany doesn’t work out how to deal with him, there will never be another springtime . . . Crackling with energy and humour, Wintersmith is the third tale in a sequence about Tiffany Aching and the Wee Free Men – the Nac Mac Feegles who are determined to help Tiffany, whether she wants it or not . . . THE THIRD BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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Unseen Academicals

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 35mm

Football has come to the ancient city of Ankh-Morpork. And now, the wizards of Unseen University must win a football match, without using magic, so they’re in the mood for trying everything else. This is not going to be a gentleman’s game. The prospect of the Big Match draws in a street urchin with a wonderful talent for kicking a tin can, a maker of jolly good pies, a dim but beautiful young woman, who might just turn out to be the greatest fashion model there has ever been, and the mysterious Mr Nutt (and no one knows anything much about Mr Nutt, not even Mr Nutt). As the match approaches, four lives are entangled and changed for ever. Because the thing about football – the important thing about football – is that it is not just about football. Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

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The Wee Free Men

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Nine-year-old Tiffany Aching thinks her Granny Aching – a wise shepherd – might have been a witch, but now Granny Aching is dead and it’s up to Tiffany to work it all out when strange things begin happening: a fairy-tale monster in the stream, a headless horseman and, strangest of all, the tiny blue men in kilts, the Wee Free Men, who have come looking for the new ‘hag’. These are the Nac Mac Feegles, the pictsies, who like nothing better than thievin’, fightin’ and drinkin’. Then Tiffany’s young brother goes missing and Tiffany and the Wee Free Men must join forces to save him from the Queen of the Fairies . . . THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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Wyrd Sisters

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 22mm

Things like crowns had a troublesome effect on clever folks; it was best to leave all the reigning to the kind of people whose eyebrows met in the middle. Three witches gathered on a lonely heath. A king cruelly murdered, his throne usurped by his ambitious cousin. A child heir and the crown of the kingdom, both missing… Witches don’t have these kind of dynastic problems themselves – in fact, they don’t have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn’t have. But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more complicated than certain playwrights would have you believe, particularly when the blood on your hands just won’t wash off and you’re facing a future with knives in it…

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Witches Abroad

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 23mm

‘Things have to come to an end, see. That’s how it works when you turn the world into stories. You should never have done that. You shouldn’t treat people like they was characters, like they was things. But if you do, then you’ve got to know where the story ends.’ It seemed an easy job… After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a servant girl doesn’t marry a prince? Quite hard, actually, even for the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick. That’s the problem with real life – it tends to get in the way of a good story, and a good story is hard to resist. Servant girls have to marry the prince. That’s what life is all about. You can’t fight a Happy Ending, especially when it comes with glass slippers and a Fairy Godmother who has made Destiny an offer it can’t refuse.

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The Wee Free Men

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Tiffany wants to be a witch when she grows up.

A proper one, with a pointy hat. And flying, she’s always dreamed of flying (though it’s cold up there, you have to wear really thick pants, two layers).

But she’s worried Tiffany isn’t a very ‘witchy’ name. And a witch has always protected Tiffany’s land, to stop the nightmares getting through.

Now the nightmares have taken her brother, and it’s up to her to get him back.

With a horde of unruly fairies at her disposal, Tiffany is not alone. And she is the twentieth granddaughter of her Granny Aching: shepherdess extraordinaire, and protector of the land.

Tiffany Aching. Now there’s a rather good name for a witch.

‘Quite, quite brilliant’


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The Carpet People

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


In the beginning, there was nothing but endless flatness. Then came the Carpet… That’s the old story everyone knows and loves. But now the Carpet is home to many different tribes and peoples and there’s a new story in the making. The story of Fray, sweeping a trail of destruction across the Carpet. The story of power-hungry mouls – and of two Munrung brothers, who set out on an amazing adventure. It’s a story that will come to a terrible end – if someone doesn’t do something about it. If everyone doesn’t do something about it…

Co-written by Terry Pratchett, aged seventeen, and master storyteller, Terry Pratchett, aged forty-three.

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Guards! Guards! Paperback 2023

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms



The city of Ankh-Morpork is in turmoil, its citizens revolting. Again.

A shadowy secret brotherhood has summoned a dragon to spread terror throughout the city, intent on overthrowing the Patrician and ruling in his place. Too bad the dragon has ideas of its own …

It’s up to Captain Sam Vimes and the ramshackle Night Watch to stop it. Only problem is, the Watch are more used to dealing with mobs than dragons.

And if they can’t bring down this fire-breathing tyrant and reinstate their own, slightly less dangerous one, Ankh-Morpork might be lost. For ever…

‘This is one of Pratchett’s best books. Hilarious and highly recommended’ The Times

Guards! Guards! is the first book in the City Watch series, but you can read the Discworld novels in any order.

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The Wee Free Men 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidby

Nine-year-old Tiffany Aching thinks her Granny Aching – a wise shepherd – might have been a witch, but now Granny Aching is dead and it’s up to Tiffany to work it all out when strange things begin happening: a fairy-tale monster in the stream, a headless horseman and, strangest of all, the tiny blue men in kilts, the Wee Free Men, who have come looking for the new ‘hag’. These are the Nac Mac Feegles, the pictsies, who like nothing better than thievin’, fightin’ and drinkin’. Then Tiffany’s young brother goes missing and Tiffany and the Wee Free Men must join forces to save him from the Queen of the Fairies . . . THE FIRST BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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A Hat Full of Sky 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidb

A real witch never casually steps out of her body, leaving it empty. Eleven-year-old Tiffany does. And there’s something just waiting for a handy body to take over. Something ancient and horrible, which can’t die. . . THE SECOND BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


‘Crivens!’ Tiffany Aching put one foot wrong, made just one little mistake . . . And now the spirit of winter is in love with her. He gives her roses and icebergs and showers her with snowflakes, which is tough when you’re thirteen, but also just a little bit . . . cool. And if Tiffany doesn’t work out how to deal with him, there will never be another springtime . . . Crackling with energy and humour, Wintersmith is the third tale in a sequence about Tiffany Aching and the Wee Free Men – the Nac Mac Feegles who are determined to help Tiffany, whether she wants it or not . . . THE THIRD BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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I Shall Wear Midnight 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidby

It’s not easy being a witch, and it’s certainly not all whizzing about on broomsticks, but Tiffany Aching – teen witch – is doing her best. Until something evil wakes up, something that stirs up all the old stories about nasty old witches, so that just wearing a pointy hat suddenly seems a very bad idea. Worse still, this evil ghost from the past is hunting down one witch in particular. He’s hunting for Tiffany. And he’s found her . . . THE FORTH BOOK IN THE TIFFANY ACHING SEQUENCE

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The Shepherd’s Crown 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidby


Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength.

This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad.

As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land.

There will be a reckoning . . .


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The Tiffany Aching Bundle – 2023 Cover Release

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Introducing Tiffany to a New Generation with Fresh Cover Designs by Leo Nickolls & Paul Kidby.

Experience the Epic Journey of the Big Wee Hag and Her Companions

Due for release on the 9th of December and just in time for Hogswatch. The Tiffany Aching Series have had a make-over, one that is sure to get the next generation hooked on Discworld!

If you haven’t already done so, get ready to embark on a wild ride with the one and only Big Wee Hag! We start from her very first adventure and follow her epic journey all the way to her final emotional tale. Along the way, we’ll reunite with some of our favorite witches, along with some mischievous feegles and a wise, witty goat!

We’ll dive deep into a world filled with ancient foes, tricky elves, and all sorts of mysterious dangers lurking around Tiffany’s beloved Chalk. This journey will take you beyond time and space, with a captivating tale that will set your imagination on fire and leave you craving more.

With cover art by Leo Nickolls that feature elements of Paul Kidby’s iconic illustrations, you can read them in order, would you wish; The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, I Shall Wear Midnight and The Shepherd’s Crown.

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The Last Hero

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Page count: 248

Size: 12.8 x 1.6 x 19.6 cm

A ‘Discworld novel with pictures’ – the 27th instalment in the fantasy series that made Terry Pratchett an international superstar – in a brand-new format.

“A fable? Perhaps. Fabulous? Certainly.” — The Times

A small but perfectly formed complete Discworld novel, fully illustrated in lavish colour throughout, THE LAST HERO is an essential part of any Discworld collection.

It stars the legendary Cohen the Barbarian, a legend in his own lifetime. Cohen can remember when a hero didn’t have to worry about fences and lawyers and civilisation, and when people didn’t tell you off for killing dragons. But he can’t always remember, these days, where he put his teeth… So now, with his ancient sword and his new walking stick and his old friends – and they’re very old friends – Cohen the Barbarian is going on one final quest. He’s going to climb the highest mountain in the Discworld and meet his gods. The last hero in the world is going to return what the first hero stole. With a vengeance. That’ll mean the end of the world, if no one stops him in time.

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