
Death and Albert Hogswatch Sweatshirt

£30.00 - £32.00

Death & Albert Hogswatch Seasonal Sweatshirt.


‘Well, the night is young,’ said Albert, sitting back in the sacks.
The pigs galloped on.  Then, ‘No, it ain’t.’
‘The night isn’t any older than the day, master.  It stands to reason.  There must have been a day before anyone knew what the night was.’
‘Oh.  Right, then.’ Terry Pratchett, Hogfather

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Ankh-Morpork City Watch Wallet


Size: 112mm x 97mm

A faux-leather style wallet, embossed with the crest of Ankh-Morpork’s City Watch and bearing the motto ‘Fabricati Diem Pvnc‘.

This wallet is caramel and includes six card slots, compartments to the left and right, as well as a full-width space for notes.

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Unseen University Wallet


Size: 112mm x 97mm

A faux-leather style wallet, embossed with the crest of Ankh-Morpork’s Unseen University and bearing the motto ‘Nvnc Id Vides, Nvnc Ne Vides‘.

This burgundy wallet includes six card slots, compartments to the left and right, as well as a full-width space for notes.

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Luggage Socks


New Design! Available in 7-11.

  • One pair of black socks featuring  The Luggage
  • Officially licensed Discworld® merchandise
  • Materials: 75% Cotton, 23% Nylon, 2% Elastane
  • UK Sizes 7 – 11
  • The Luggage Said Nothing But Louder This Time

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Rincewind Running Socks


New Design! Available in 7-11.

  • One pair of black socks featuring Rincewind Running
  • Officially licensed Discworld® merchandise
  • Materials: 75% Cotton, 23% Nylon, 2% Elastane
  • UK Sizes 7 – 11
  • Luck is my Middle Name. Mind You, My First Name is Bad

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Death Pin


When released back in 2008, this proved to be one of our most popular pins ever produced. Inspired by Death’s Domain: A Discworld Mapp, the design features purple enamelling, Death’s famous piercing blue eyes and the motto ‘NVLLA IVSTITIA EST EGO SOLVM EST’. The detailing and art nouveau styling is simply stunning.

Last few remaining!

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Wyrd Sisters

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 22mm

Things like crowns had a troublesome effect on clever folks; it was best to leave all the reigning to the kind of people whose eyebrows met in the middle. Three witches gathered on a lonely heath. A king cruelly murdered, his throne usurped by his ambitious cousin. A child heir and the crown of the kingdom, both missing… Witches don’t have these kind of dynastic problems themselves – in fact, they don’t have leaders. Granny Weatherwax was the most highly-regarded of the leaders they didn’t have. But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more complicated than certain playwrights would have you believe, particularly when the blood on your hands just won’t wash off and you’re facing a future with knives in it…

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Guards! Guards!

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 26mm

This is where the dragons went. They lie…not dead, not asleep, but…dormant. And although the space they occupy isn’t like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there’s a key… Guards! Guards! is the eighth Discworld novel – and after this, dragons will never be the same again!

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Captain Carrot Collector’s Pin


Originally released in July 2009, this bronzed pin features Captain Carrot standing to attention, holding the Ankh Morpork flag. It was due to be the first in a series of figurative pins featuring various Discworld denizens. If fact, he turned out to be the only one. It stands at 38mm high.

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Witches Abroad

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 23mm

‘Things have to come to an end, see. That’s how it works when you turn the world into stories. You should never have done that. You shouldn’t treat people like they was characters, like they was things. But if you do, then you’ve got to know where the story ends.’ It seemed an easy job… After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a servant girl doesn’t marry a prince? Quite hard, actually, even for the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick. That’s the problem with real life – it tends to get in the way of a good story, and a good story is hard to resist. Servant girls have to marry the prince. That’s what life is all about. You can’t fight a Happy Ending, especially when it comes with glass slippers and a Fairy Godmother who has made Destiny an offer it can’t refuse.

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Men at Arms

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 23mm

‘Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN!’ But what it’s got includes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Cuddy (really a dwarf), Lance constable Detritus (a troll), Lance constable Angua (a woman… most of the time) and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified from the human race for shoving). And they need all the help they can get. Because they’ve only got twenty-four hours to clean up the town and this is Ankh-Morpork we’re talking about…

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Good Omens Pin Badge


These beautiful badges have been commissioned to celebrate the much anticipated Good Omens series which is coming to Amazon/BBC in 2019.

Available in both an angelic white & silver and a devilish black & gold, it’s time to choose your side – The End is Nigh!

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The Last Continent

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Hardback

‘Anything you do in the past changes the future. The tiniest little actions have huge consequences. You might tread on an ant now and it might entirely prevent someone from being born in the future.’ There’s nothing like the issue of evolution to get under the skin of academics. Even if their field of expertise is magic rather than biology. With the best and most interfering minds of Unseen University somehow left in charge at a critical evolutionary turning point, the Discworld’s last continent needs a saviour…Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Sheep shearer, beer drinker, bush ranger, and someone who’ll even eat a Meat Pie Floater when he’s sober. In fact, it’s Rincewind, a wizard so inept he can’t even spell wizard. He’s the only hero left. Still…no worries, eh?

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Something Wicked Magnet


A high-quality magnet featuring Paul Kidby’s ‘Something Wicked‘ artwork.

Printed with Nanny Ogg’s most fearsome moggy.  Something wicked this way comes indeed…

Ferocious dogs would whine and hide under the stairs when Greebo sauntered down the street. Foxes kept away from the village. Wolves made a detour.

‘He’s an old softie really,’ said Nanny.

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Tiffany’s White Horse Necklace


This is an absolutely stunning piece of sterling silver jewellery and is a faithful reproduction of the pendant worn by Tiffany Aching in A Hat Full of Sky. This piece is based on Paul Kidby’s original design. The horse measures 55 tail to head, chain 18 inches. Designed exclusively for by Tom Lynall.

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Tiffany’s Necklace


Celebrate the conclusion of her journey with this beautiful necklace, featuring ornate hand-crafted charms, each representing elements from the Tiffany Aching series.

A finely detailed silver shepherd’s crown, a gold plated honey bee and a delicate blue stone, mounted in silver, representing the flowers and butterflies of the chalk.

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Tiffany’s Hare Necklace – Silver


The hare measures 50mm across, chain length 18ins. Designed exclusively for by Tom Lynall. Now redesigned and looking absolutely stunning, the hare has leaped back into stock just in time for the launch of The Shepherd’s Crown. A breathtaking reproduction of Tiffany’s hare necklace, this elegant boxed necklace is available in both silver and gold plate. The perfect gift for all would-be witches.

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Night Watch

Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 30mm

‘Don’t put your trust in revolutions. They always come round again. That’s why they’re called revolutions. People die, and nothing changes.’ For a policeman, there can be few things worse than a serial killer loose in your city. Except, perhaps, a serial killer who targets coppers, and a city on the brink of bloody revolution. For Commander Sam Vimes, it all feels horribly familiar. He’s back in his own rough, tough past without even the clothes he was standing up in when the lightning struck. Living in the past is hard. But he must survive, because he has a job to do. He must track down the murderer and change the outcome of the rebellion. The problem is: if he wins, he’s got no wife, no child, no future… A Discworld Tale of One City, with a full chorus of street urchins, ladies of negotiable affection, rebels, secret policemen and other children of the revolution. Truth! Justice! Freedom! And a Hard-boiled Egg!

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Exclusively embossed with Terry's signature and sealed with his coat of arms


Format: Paperback

Size: 128mm x 198mm x 29mm

‘Some people would be asking: whose side are you on? If you’re not for us, you’re against us. Huh. If you’re not an apple, you’re a banana’. Koom Valley, the ancient battle where the trolls ambushed the dwarfs, or the dwarfs ambushed the trolls, was a long time ago. But if he doesn’t solve the murder of just one dwarf, Commander Sam Vimes of Ankh-Morpork City Watch is going to see it fought again, right outside his office. With his beloved Watch crumbling around him and war-drums sounding, he must unravel every clue, outwit every assassin and brave any darkness to find the solution. And darkness is following him. Oh . . . and at six o’clock every day, without fail, with no excuses, he must go home to read ‘Where’s My Cow?’, with all the right farmyard noises, to his little boy. There are some things you have to do.

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