North American Discworld Convention 2011 Location Announcement

Monday, 3rd May , 2010

North American Discworld Convention 2011
Location Announcement

It is with great pleasure that The Guild of Chelonavigators can now announce the location of the 2011 NADWCon, at which Sir Terry Pratchett will appear (circumstances and health permitting) as Guest of Honor!

Both Seattle, Washington and Madison, Wisconsin put forth strong proposals for hosting the next NADWCon, and the Guild would first like to thank both committees for their enthusiasm and their efforts in putting together these bids.

The Guild considered both bids very carefully before making its decision.

And now, without further ado, the winner is…


Among the several reasons the Guild feels confident that Madison will put on a stupendous NADWCon are the enthusiasm, convention experience, and love of all things Discworld exhibited in their bid proposal. So congratulations to Madison! We look forward to seeing great things from them.

Over the next few weeks the Guild will be working closely with Madison’s committee to pass along information, resources, and advice to help them in their convention plans, and I know that they have already set to work on putting those plans in motion. So stay tuned for more news on that front soon!

Thanks again to Seattle for their interest and enthusiasm in hosting an NADWCon, and we hope to see that interest again when it comes time for 2013 convention proposals.

Cheers to all, and see you in Madison in 2011!

Emily S. Whitten
The Guild of Chelonavigators