
Sam Raimi set to direct Wee Free Men

10th January 2006

Empire magazine online reports that Sam Raimi is due to start work adapting The Wee Free Men once he has finished shooting Spiderman 3. Terry says that he hadn’t told anyone about this as last minute things can go wrong and an author can look rather stupid in those circumstances… However, now that it’s been announced he tells me that…

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New Discworld novel underway

6th January 2006

Terry has spent almost the whole week intensively editing Wintersmith, which is now only days away from completion.  As a reward, he is allowing himself the luxury of starting the next Discworld novel, which we can now exclusively reveal will not be “Unseen Academicals“. Instead, the next adult Discworld novel will be; (fx – drum roll) “Making Money”. Fans will…

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Terry On Blue Peter

4th January 2006

On 4th January Terry appeared as a guest on BBC TV’s Blue Peter. For those of you who don’t already know, Blue Peter is the longest running children’s TV show and is filmed live five times a week. Terry was promoting the dramatisation of Johnny and the Bomb which is due to air on Sunday January 15th at 5pm.  Below…

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